Liste over understøttet videoovervågning (brands)

We provide a list form the system we know that we can provide support for in our software. In general you should choose a ONVIF approved and NDAA approved device. Some Chinese manufactures are under law illegal to use, check with your country laws and recommendations if you must use these.

For any other requests we can use driver and converters to connect POE with older coaxial systems e.t.c. We know how to do that, so be welcome to write to us or call.

The red marked video camera producer brands are known illegal products in countries like USA, Canada, United Kingdom and elsewhere.

We recommend the following brands: ACTI, Mobotix, Axis.

  1. @Vision
  2. 2M Network
  3. 2M Technology
  4. 2N Telecommunications
  5. 30X
  6. 360 Vision Technology
  7. 3R Global
  8. 3S
  9. 3xLogic
  10. 5VOXEL
  11. AAA Security Depot
  12. AASSEt Security Italia
  13. A-MTK
  14. A4tech
  15. ABKO
  16. Abus
  17. Acegear
  18. ACTi
  19. ACTi Verinet
  20. ActiveCam
  21. Ademco
  22. Adesso
  23. Adtek Digital
  24. Advan
  25. advidia
  26. Advokat Video Overvågning
  27. Afidus
  28. AGNI
  29. AI BOX
  30. Ainext
  31. Aiphone
  32. AirLive
  33. Akuvox
  34. Alibi
  35. Allnet
  36. ALMA
  37. Alphafinity
  38. Altec Video
  39. Alteron
  40. Alumia
  41. AMAG Technology
  42. Amano
  43. Ambarella
  44. Amcrest
  45. American Dynamics
  46. American Video Equipment
  47. AMTK
  48. Anaveo
  49. ANCEL
  50. Andrickson
  51. AndroVideo
  52. Anixter
  53. Anjia
  54. ANJV
  55. ANNKE
  56. Anpviz
  57. Antkr
  58. Antrica
  59. Anyka
  60. Aper
  61. Apple
  62. Aqua Vu
  63. Aqueti
  64. ARAS Security
  65. Arcdyn
  66. ArcSoft
  67. ArcVision
  68. Arducam
  69. AREA
  70. Arecont Vision
  71. Armix CCTV
  72. Arnel
  73. Arton
  74. Asoni
  75. ASTR
  77. Astron
  78. Asus
  79. ATIV
  80. ATS
  81. ATV
  82. Audio Enhancement
  83. Augentix
  84. AUKEY
  85. Avadesign
  86. Aventura
  87. AVer
  88. AvertX
  89. Avidia
  90. Avigilon
  91. AVS Uriel
  92. AVTECH
  93. AVYCON
  94. Axis
  95. Balter
  96. BasIP
  97. Basler
  98. BC Security
  99. BCS
  100. Benelink
  101. Beneston
  102. BESDER
  103. BESEYE
  105. Bettini
  106. Beward
  107. Bikal
  108. Blue HD
  109. BlueEyes
  110. BnS
  111. Bolide
  112. Bolin
  113. Borinato Security
  114. Bosch
  115. Boss Security
  116. Brickcom
  117. BridgeVMS
  118. Brillcam
  119. Brinfotech
  120. Brovision
  121. BST Security
  122. BUFFALO
  123. BV-Tech
  124. C-Q-IT
  125. CamHi
  126. Camius
  127. CAMWON
  128. Canon
  129. Cantek
  130. Capture
  131. Castel
  132. CBC Ganz
  133. CCTV Direct
  134. CCTV Trade
  136. Celestron
  137. Cellinx
  138. CENTRIX
  139. CHAMP
  140. Channel Vision
  141. Chinese unknown
  142. Cisco
  143. Citron
  144. Clare Controls
  145. Clear
  146. ClearPix
  147. ClickIT
  148. Clinton Electronics
  149. CNB
  150. Cohu
  151. ColorVu
  152. Comelit
  153. COMMAX
  154. Commend
  155. Control4
  156. Corega
  157. Corsair Components
  158. Cortex
  159. Costar
  160. CP PLUS
  161. CPRO
  162. CTN
  163. CTV
  164. Cyberlink
  165. Cynics
  166. Cyte
  167. D-Link
  168. D-MAX
  169. Dabotek
  170. Dahua
  171. DAIFUKU
  172. Daitem
  173. DALI
  174. Dallmeier
  175. DaVinci
  176. Dcode
  177. Dell
  178. DeryTech
  179. DeskCamera
  180. Detec
  181. DIDSeth
  182. DigiGuard
  183. Digimerge
  184. Digital ID View
  185. Digital Watchdog
  186. DigitalNet
  187. Digitus
  188. DirectLOGIC
  189. Diviotec
  190. DIVISYS
  191. DMP
  192. Dongyang Unitech
  193. DoorBird
  194. Doowon
  195. Dorani
  196. Dunlop
  197. DVC
  198. DVR Systems
  199. DVSMatrix
  200. DVTel
  201. Dyna Max Co.
  202. DynaColor
  203. e-Vision
  204. E2ESOFT
  205. Eagle Eye Networks
  206. Eastern CCTV
  207. Eclipse
  208. Eco Eyenet
  209. EdgeHandler
  210. eF@ctory
  211. ELAN
  212. ELECOM
  213. Electrosa
  214. Elgato
  215. eLine
  216. ELMO
  217. Elvox
  218. EMeet
  219. Empire Tech
  220. EMSTONE
  221. eneo
  222. Enexxis
  223. ENS Security
  224. Enviro
  225. EOC
  226. epcom
  227. EPIXA
  228. ESCA
  229. Escam
  230. Etrovision Technology
  231. EUKLIS
  232. EverFocus
  234. eVidence
  235. EVOnet
  236. Exir
  237. Extreme
  238. Exvist
  239. EYEMAX
  240. Eyenor
  241. Eyeonet
  242. Eyeplus
  243. EZ-IP
  244. EZVIZ
  245. FaceRig
  246. Fanvil
  247. Fazera
  249. FeiyuTech
  250. Fermax
  251. Fine
  252. FlexWatch
  253. FLIR
  254. Floureon
  255. FocusVision
  256. FORENIX
  257. Fortinet
  258. Foscam
  259. Fox
  260. FrSky
  261. FS Network
  262. FSAN Intelligent Technology
  263. Fujifilm
  264. Fullhan
  265. Funlux
  266. FVS CCTV
  267. Gadinan
  268. Galaxy
  269. Galaxy NV
  270. Garmin
  271. Generic
  272. Genie
  273. GenIV
  274. Genivi
  275. GeoVision
  276. Geovision
  277. Gess
  278. Geutebrück
  279. GIT
  280. GJT
  281. GNS
  282. Gocomma CA
  283. Golden Eye
  284. Grandstream
  285. Grass Sphere
  286. Great-Lite
  287. Grundig
  288. GSD
  289. GSI
  290. GSS
  291. Guardiar
  292. GW Security
  293. H.View
  294. Haitai X Mtum Co
  295. Hamedal
  296. Hamrolte
  297. Hanwha Techwin (Samsung)
  298. Hatteland
  299. HD Paragon
  300. HDPRO
  301. HeiVision
  302. Hertone
  303. HI-FOCUS
  304. Hi-sharp
  305. Hikvision
  306. Hikwon
  307. Hillo
  308. Hills
  309. HiLook
  310. Hinovision
  311. Hiseeu
  312. Hisharp
  313. HiSilicon
  314. Histream
  315. Hitachi
  316. Hitek Security
  317. Hitron
  318. Hiview
  319. HiWatch
  320. Honeywell
  321. HongSeok
  322. HP
  323. Hqvison
  324. HSmartcam
  325. HST
  326. Huawei
  327. Huisun
  328. Hunt CCTV
  329. Huviron
  330. Hykon
  331. Hyundai
  333. I-View
  334. i3 International
  335. IC Realtime
  336. Icantek
  337. iCatch
  338. IDIS
  339. IDView
  340. iHome
  341. Ikegami
  342. IKV
  343. ILDVR
  344. Illumivue
  345. Illustra
  346. ILS
  347. Imcp
  348. Imou
  349. Inaxsys
  350. Incon
  351. IndigoVision
  352. Inesun
  353. InexTech
  354. Infinite Cables
  355. Infinova
  356. Infrachen
  357. Ingersoll Rand
  358. Inkovideo
  359. Innekt
  360. Innotech
  361. Innovative security designs
  362. Innovus
  363. Ino Depp Co., Ltd.
  364. Inodep
  365. Intek Vision
  366. Intel
  367. IntelBras
  368. Intellio
  370. Intercoa
  371. Interlogix
  372. Internec
  373. Intralogic Solutions
  374. InVid
  375. IODATA
  376. IONODES
  377. IoT
  378. IP Power
  379. IPCAM
  381. IPEVO
  382. IPhone Eye Co., Ltd.
  383. iPIXA
  384. iPoint
  385. IPOX
  386. IPsystem
  388. IPX
  389. IQeye
  390. IRIUN
  391. ISD
  392. ITX Security
  393. ITXAI Co
  394. iVCam
  395. Iveda
  396. IView
  397. IVSEC
  398. j5create
  399. Japan Security System
  400. JH
  401. Jidetech
  402. Jogan
  403. JVC
  404. KarbonTech
  405. Kayeton
  406. Kb Device
  408. Kedacom
  409. Keno
  410. Kenpro
  411. Kenuco
  412. Keunsung
  413. Kiloview
  414. KNC
  415. Kobi
  416. KONFTEL
  417. Korean Disabled Persons
  418. Ksenia
  419. KTC
  420. KTL
  421. LaView
  422. Leadtek research inc.
  423. LEGEND
  424. Legrand
  425. Lenovo
  426. LevelOne
  427. LG Electronics
  428. Linear
  429. Linell
  430. Lingodigit
  431. Linksys
  432. LION BEAM
  433. LisWay
  434. LIVE! CAM
  435. LiveSecu
  436. LKM Security
  437. Logitech
  438. LogiWare
  439. Lorex
  440. Loryta
  441. Louroe Electronics
  442. Low Voltage Direct
  443. Ltd. eseuka
  444. LTS
  445. LTV
  446. Luma
  447. Lumens
  448. Luminator
  449. Lupus
  450. Luxon
  451. M.S.I.K.
  452. Magvention
  453. ManyCam
  454. March Networks
  455. MARCUS
  456. Markenlose
  457. MAZi
  458. Mega-Pixel
  459. Merit Lilin
  460. Messoa
  461. MicroDigital
  462. Micron
  463. Micronet
  464. Microseven
  465. Microsoft
  466. Milesight
  467. Mirasys
  468. Miro
  469. Mobotix
  470. Montavue
  471. Motorola
  472. Moxa
  473. MOXEE
  474. Mr. Pro Co., Ltd
  475. Nadatel
  476. NAG
  477. Napco
  478. Nashe
  479. NBC
  480. NEC
  481. Nelly’s Security
  482. NEOSTAR
  483. NetVision
  484. Network Digital Video
  485. Neutron
  486. NEXIGO
  487. Nexus CCTV
  488. Nexxt
  489. Night Owl
  490. No vendor
  491. Nobelic
  492. Nodac
  493. Norelco
  494. NorthernVideo
  495. Noun Soft Co., Ltd
  496. Nova Technology
  497. Novatek
  498. NOVIcam
  499. Novus
  500. NSS
  501. Nuuo
  502. Nuvico
  503. NUVIS
  504. NYX
  505. O2
  506. Ocean CCTV
  507. OctaVisoion
  508. Oculur
  509. Oinone
  510. Omni Vision
  511. OmniEye
  512. Omny
  513. Oncam Grandeye
  514. Onix
  515. ONLY
  516. Onvif
  517. OpenEye
  518. Opgal
  519. Optex
  520. Optica
  521. Opticom
  522. Optima Security Systems
  523. Optimus
  524. Optio
  525. Osiris
  526. OUSA
  527. OV Solutions
  528. OVS Solutions
  529. OWL LABS
  530. Ozone
  531. Pacidal
  532. Pacom
  533. Pakedge
  534. Panasonic
  535. Panda
  536. Panoeagle
  537. Partizan
  538. Pelco
  539. Personify
  540. PFN
  541. Phylink
  542. Pinetron
  543. Pintel
  544. PixelPro
  545. Pixord
  546. PLANET
  547. PoliceTech
  548. Polixel
  549. Polvision
  550. Polyvision
  551. Premium Security Solutions
  552. PresentCo
  553. Primocase
  554. Probe
  555. Provision ISR
  556. PSS Group
  557. PT Eurotek
  558. Pulse
  559. Q-See
  560. QCTEK
  561. QTech
  563. RainVision
  564. RaySharp
  565. RAZBERI
  566. Red Mountain
  567. Redvision
  568. Reolink
  569. Revo
  570. Revotech
  571. Rhodium
  572. RHP
  573. Rister
  574. Riva
  575. RONIX
  576. RVi
  577. SafeMart
  578. Safire
  579. Saitell
  580. Sambo
  581. Sampo
  582. SAMSUNG
  583. Santec
  584. Sanwa
  585. SATIR
  586. Satvision
  587. Saul Mineroff Electronics
  588. SavvyTech
  589. SCANSYS
  590. Scati
  591. Scorpion vision limited
  592. Scout
  593. SCW
  594. Secubest
  595. Secula
  596. Secure com video
  597. Secure Electronics
  598. Secure Well
  599. Securicorp
  600. Security AllStar
  601. Security Evidence
  602. Security Redesigned
  603. Security system depot
  604. Security Tronix
  605. Secusafe
  606. Secutech
  607. SecuVision CCTV
  608. Seetong
  609. Sefica
  610. Sentec Corporation
  611. Sentry Security Systems
  612. Sentry360
  613. SEON
  614. Sertos
  615. Seyeon Tech
  616. Seyon Tech
  617. Shany
  618. Sharp
  619. Sibell
  620. Siemens
  621. SightLogix
  622. Silicon Motion
  623. Sinocam
  624. Siqura
  625. Skilleye
  626. SKVision
  627. SkyVision
  628. SMARC
  629. Smart Vision Direct
  630. Smartvue
  631. SmartWatch
  632. SMAX
  633. SnapAV
  634. Snappy
  635. SNR
  636. SoftKinetic
  637. Sonitrol
  638. Sonix
  639. Sony
  640. Space Technology
  641. Spark
  642. SparkoCam
  643. Speco
  644. Spectra
  645. SplitCam
  646. Sprinx
  647. Spytronic
  648. Stanley
  649. Stardot
  650. STORM
  651. SUNBA
  652. Sunell
  653. SunplusIT
  654. Surveon
  655. Swann
  656. SWOOM
  657. Symmetry
  658. Synectics
  659. Synix
  660. Syscom
  661. SystemK
  662. T11
  663. Takex
  664. Tantos
  665. Tapo
  666. TBK Vision
  667. TBT
  668. TDSS
  669. TECH Source Direct
  670. Technaxx
  671. TechVision
  672. Tecsar Lead
  674. Telea
  675. TeleEye
  676. Telestar
  677. TeleVista
  678. TG Cam
  679. TG Win Co
  680. Thermal Imaging Radar
  681. THK
  682. Tiandy
  683. Ticam
  684. Titanium
  685. TJ One
  686. TKH
  687. TOA
  688. Topsee
  689. Topview Optronics
  690. Toshiba
  691. TP-link
  692. Trassir
  693. TRENDnet
  694. Tri-Ed
  695. Tri-Tek
  696. Truen
  697. TruView
  698. TruVision
  699. TruVue
  700. Turing
  701. Turing-u
  702. TVT
  703. TW-Guarder
  704. Tyco
  705. UDP
  706. Ultracker
  708. UniArch
  709. Unifore
  710. UniLook
  711. Unimo
  712. Unisight
  713. UniView
  714. Unix
  715. UNV
  716. UPD Technology
  718. USAVision
  719. uVision
  720. V-Bell
  721. Vacron
  722. Vaddio
  723. VALUCAM
  724. Vanderbilt
  725. Vatilon
  726. VCA Technology
  727. VCN-ENC
  728. VDG
  729. Verint
  730. Versiton
  731. Vicon
  732. Videcon
  733. Video One
  734. VideoFon
  735. Videopark
  736. Videosec
  737. Videotec
  738. VideoTecnologie
  739. Vidonet
  740. Viewise
  741. Viewtron
  742. VIKVIZ
  743. Vikylin
  745. Viotech
  746. Vip vision
  747. Vision
  748. Vision Hitech
  749. Visiotech
  750. Vista
  751. Visualint
  752. Vitek
  753. Vivotek
  754. Vizeo
  755. Vosker
  756. Vumii
  757. W Box
  758. WAMA
  759. Watashi
  760. WatchCam
  761. WatchNET
  762. WbCam
  763. WebcamMax
  764. WEBGATE
  765. Weitdy
  766. Weldex
  767. WGCC
  768. White Box
  769. Winic
  770. Wintus System
  771. Wirepath
  772. Wisstar
  773. WMG
  774. Wonderex
  775. Wonwoo
  776. X-Security
  777. X2-CCTV
  778. Xeno
  779. Xeron Vision
  780. XiaoMi
  781. Xiong Mai
  782. XonTel
  783. Xrplus
  784. XSplit
  785. XVI
  786. Xyclop
  787. Yamaha
  788. Yoko
  789. Yoluke
  790. Yougawa
  791. Yucheng
  792. Yudor
  793. Z3 Technology
  794. Zavio
  795. Zenitel
  796. Zhangjiakou
  797. ZiLink
  798. ZKTeco
  799. Zmodo
  800. Zuum